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Anime] 아키라 실사판 예고편

 오토모 가츠히로의 역작 아니메 '아키라' 예고편을 실사판으로 만든 동영상이 올라 왔다.

 그런데, 어떤 특정 영화집단의 작품이 아니라 '크라우드 소싱'으로 만들었다는 점이 특징이다. 친구 둘이서 맥주를 마시다 "이봐! 가네다가 오토바이를 타고 네오-도쿄 돌아다니는 것을 본다면 멋질 것 같은데."라는 말 한 마디로 시작된 프로젝트이다. 이후 2012년 7월 인디고고(Indiegogo) 캠페인이 시작, 전 세계 무수한 아키라 팬들이 금전적으로는 물론 시간과 재능을 투자했다. 그리고 같은해 11월 2일부터 5일까지 캐나다 몬트리올에서 촬영이 진행됐다. 이 프로젝트에는 세계 12개국 40명의 아티스트가 참여했다.


 놀라울 정도이다. 원작만큼의, 아니면 그에 매우 가까울 정도의 아우라는 아니지만, 정말로 충실하게 구현하려 노력한 점이 눈에 띈다. 그리고 '이 정도 수준이면 괜찮은 실화작품이 나올 것 같다'는 생각도 든다. 실제 '아키라 프로젝트'가 헐리우드에서 진행되고 있다는데, 부디 망가-아니메-영화로 이어지는 걸작 트리플 크라운이 탄생했으면 좋겠다.

(관련기사: Live-action Akira trailer made by fans is surprisingly cool)

Akira Project - Live Action Trailer

게시 시간: 2014. 5. 9.

The Akira Project is a crowd-sourced, non-profit project meant to create a live action fan trailer of AKIRA, the renowned manga-turned-anime film from the late 1980′s; a stunning example of both mediums as art forms. While Hollywood has been working on a live-action Akira movie for a few years now, we, as fans, wanted to take a shot at making our own adaptation. A chance to stick as close to the source material as possible. A chance to do Akira Justice.

We launched an Indiegogo campaign in July 2012 as part of a crowd sourcing effort to make this project come to life. Many people contributed not just financially but offered their time and talent to help the production that was shot in Montreal, Quebec from November 2-5th 2012. What started out as a simple idea between two guys having a beer (Hey! It'd be cool to see Kaneda ride his bike around Neo-Tokyo!), became a global endeavour, filled with adventures and hurdles, involving more than 40 artists in 12 different countries.

After a year and a half in post-production, we are proud to present the project to Akira fans the world over. We hope to have done justice to the timeless work of Katsuhiro Otomo and look forward to, someday, seeing the full scope of the Akira story translated to the big screen as a live-action.

For more information: www.akira-project.com
Facebook: fb.com/projectakira
Twitter: twitter.com/Project_Akira
Production company: www.cineground.com
Contact us at: info@akira-project.com

1. Score: Icarus (Deus Ex Main Theme) - Michael McCann (iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/ica...)
2. End Credits: Kaneda's Theme Remix - Le Matos : (http://lematos.bandcamp.com)

Shot on RED Epic-X with Kowa Prominar Anamorphics, Cooke MiniS4, Leica Summicron-C.

Partners: CineGround, GreenGround, EZ Designs, Location Snap Shots, Studio Nora, Badpen Studios

Producer/Director: Nguyen-Anh Nguyen
Director of Photography: Jan Belina-Brzozowski
Visual Effects Supervisor:Santiago Menghini
Production Designer: Laura Nhem
Kaneda Shotaro: Osric Chau
Tetsuo Shima: Xavier Yuvens
Yamagata: Simon Li
Kei: Judy Wong
Production Manager: Aurélie Bernos
First Assistant Director: Andreas Mendritzki
Line Producer: Aonan Yang
Editor: Arnaud Faure
Sound Design: EchoLab.TV
Sound Designers: Gavin Little, Joe McHugh:
Post Production Supervisor: Simon Allard
Executive Producer: Osric Chau
Associate Producer: Santiago Menghini, E. Nova Zatzman
The Colonel: George Manley
Lt. Yamada: Simu Liu
Special Forces: Steve Kasan, Phi Huynh, Minh Thuy Nguyen,
Jean Mai, Giancarlo Talarico
Number 26/Akira: Anh Tuan Truong
Clown Gang Biker: Luong Chun Wai
Biker: Ranga Rajachandra

See full credit list here: http://www.akira-project.com/team/

참고로 아키라 일본 예고편

Akira (アキラ) Japanese Theatrical Trailer 1

그리고 이건 뭐, 알아서들 하시라
